Doctoral training
Working alongside Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs) allows us to provide researchers with valuable training and research opportunities.
Learn more about these CDTs and how they could benefit you:
EPSRC CDT in Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing (CSM)
The CDT will support postgraduate students to develop advanced knowledge and skills in compound semiconductor technology. It is a collaboration between Cardiff, Manchester, Sheffield and UCL and 24 industry partners with established expertise in CS disciplines and is open to those with a background in physics or engineering. Applications are now being accepted for 14 places in the 2023 intake.
Visit the CSM CDT website
Graphene NOWNANO (CDT in Science and Applications of Graphene and Related Nanomaterials)
Established in 2013 with EPSRC funding and now supported by The University of Manchester and industry, the Graphene NOWNANO CDT offers PhD training in science and applications of the fast-growing family of 2D materials. Working closely with the NGI and GEIC, the CDT offers a unique environment combining academic research and opportunities for innovation.
Visit the Graphene NOWNANO CDT website