Accelerator, nuclear and particle physics
We bring together experimental and theoretical research into accelerator, nuclear and particle physics.
Our strong international links mean we not only have access to a wide range of facilities in Manchester, but also around the world. Our collaborators include CERN, SLAC and Fermilab to name a few.
We have particular expertise in the following areas:
Accelerator physics
Our research spans high-energy colliders and light sources to future compact accelerators, exploring applications in fundamental particle physics and cancer treatment, supported by participation in numerous large-scale international collaborations.
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Experimental nuclear physics
Our researchers have a long and well-established history in nuclear physics research, starting with the pioneering experiments of Ernest Rutherford.
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Particle physics: experiment and theory
Our researchers are active in many areas of physics research, both theoretical and experimental, detector development and e-Science.
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Theoretical nuclear physics
Our nuclear experts' work ranges from low-energy nuclear structure to the frontier where nuclear and particle physics overlap. We focus on 'fundamental' approaches to nuclear physics, linking it to quantum chromodynamics, and have particular expertise in the areas of effective field theory and microscopic many-body theory.
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