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Department of Physics and Astronomy

Qian yang and her colleagues looking at a computer screen.

EPSRC Open fellowship

Supporting all career stages beyond postdoctoral level.

We are proud to support the EPSRC Open fellowship programme, designed to support researchers at all career stages beyond the postdoctoral level. These fellowships are personal, career development-focused awards.

EPSRC Open fellowship

Status: Opened May 2024

Application process: In preparation for the funder deadline, we invite expressions of interest from those wishing to apply for an EPSRC Open fellowship with our Physics and Astronomy Department.

The EPSRC Open Fellowship has allowed me to pursue my research goals in applied nuclear physics. The University of Manchester is the ideal institute to perform this research due to its world-leading activities in nuclear physics, which it has maintained since the days when Ernest Rutherford was head of the group. The scope of the fellowship means I can build a strong team of researchers, continuing my current research whilst also having the resources to develop new ideas and programs.

Tobias Wright / EPSRC Research Fellow

Expression of interest

To ensure the submission of high-quality proposals, the department conducts an internal selection process for all major fellowship applications. It is essential to reach out early to discuss potential alignment with our funding schemes and departmental goals.

For schemes with a limited number of applicants per university, please submit a brief expression of interest (1-2 pages) for review by our academic leads. If you require guidance, our leads are available for advice. In some instances, a further sift will occur at the faculty or university-wide level.

Our internal selection process holistically assesses candidates, disregarding factors such as years since PhD, PhD institution, national origin, number of publications, or protected characteristics, unless mandated by funders.

We advise you to email your expression of interest to our fellowship support team as soon as possible and well in advance of the funder deadline.

Email us your interest

We support a range of fellowships

Our Physics Department supports postdoctoral, tenure-track, and established researchers in their fields, including the ERC Advanced Grant.

Physics fellowships we support